Delegating Technology Management To Your Team: Why It Matters And How To Pull It Off

Delegating technology management to your team lets you define clear systems, responsibilities, and expectations.
When, How, and Why to Delegate Your Operation Management

One way you can delegate in your business is by getting your operations off of your plate and into the hands of someone who has more time and expertise to streamline your business. Let’s dig into how to delegate your business operation, and when it may be a good idea to pursue.
How to Properly Plug-In Your Team While You Are Plugged Out

As a business owner, there will inevitably be times when you need to take time off. This may be for a short vacation, or it could be for a longer period of time. Just because you own your own business doesn’t mean you don’t deserve maternity leave or an extended leave of absence due to family or medical problems!
How to Ensure You and Your Team Are Productive While Working From Home

While we’re in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, many business owners and their teams are having to learn to work from home without any time to prepare. Although working from home is the dream of many entrepreneurs, developing a virtual team and a business that can run remotely is tough
How To Train Your Team With Processes That Will Free Up Your Time
Onboarding your team members plays a vital role in the success of your business. As a business owner, training new employees often requires two of the main resources you struggle to give up: time and money. While proper onboarding and training can take up more time, when done right you can train and inspire employees that will help you grow your business in ways you never thought possible. How can you effectively train your new hires in a way that will ultimately free up your time to grow your practice?
How To Know When To Outsource and When To Keep Tasks Internal
Delegation is one of the most important skills you will need to develop as a business owner. As you continue to grow and build your practice, you won’t be able to do everything as you used to. This is an incredibly positive thing because it is a sign that you are leveling-up!
What Workflows Do You Need
When I first start working with a new firm, one of the first steps we take is to look at what workflows they currently have in place. Many advisors and business owners are overwhelmed by this process. There’s a fear that there need to be dozens of different workflows for every small process your business has, and that you and your team will never get them quite right.